Community Solar for Community Action (CS4CA) is a community-based solar project that aims to develop place-based low-income community solar assets that are owned by the community to proactively alleviate reliance on Federal Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) energy assistance by integrating renewable energy into energy assistance programs to more fully meet the needs of low-income community members. The CS4CA can be replicated with Community Action Partnerships across the country. This project utilizes partnerships between the Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe, Rural Renewable Energy Alliance (RREAL), multiple utility companies, local governments, including the Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community, and foundations, such as McKnight and Headwaters. This project aims to tackle the systemic problem of energy poverty by equipping communities with clean renewable and reliable energy stability while reducing carbon emissions and democratizing access to solar in low-wealth communities.
Honorable Mention
Moving Winona County Forward
Moving Winona County Forward is an effort by community leaders and institutions to lower the county carbon footprint, and engage and educate local communities
About the Energy & Climate Category
The Energy & Climate Award recognizes a partnership working across differences to reduce greenhouse gas or carbon emissions, cut energy consumption, enhance climate resiliency, advance energy efficiency, address the changing climate, or improve air quality.